Earlier this year my husband and I traveled to Hawaii for the very first time and visited both Kauai and Maui. As empty-nesters traveling to Hawaii, this was a trip we took alone instead of with our kiddos. We loved it so much, we are planning on bringing them to Hawaii in the future. We really ...
July TBRs – What I Hope to Read As I Dust Off My To Be Read List
As I mentioned in my June Wrap Up of the books I have read, I have been so easily sucked into reading mostly new releases. They are bright and shiny and everyone starts talking about them. I also have been known to be a sucker for the celebrity book club picks. Which is funny, because I really don't ...
June 2019 Book Wrap-Up: What I Read
June was a pretty good reading month for me. I started 12 books and finished 9 - 3 went into the DNF pile. Deciding not to finish a book that I ma not enjoying is so freeing! Besides those, there were some really good ones and some that were just so-so. It did feel like I read quite a bit, we were ...