April wound up being a great reading month for me. I am driving to the office now and then, therefore audible books for my commuting time are once again a thing! Additionally, I have been less than enthused with most TV programming, so my evenings are spent with my nose in a book or in front of my ...
Empty Nest
March 2022 Books Read
March was a good reading month for me - I had great selections, some true winners and some quality reading time. One book in particular is an instant favorite and no doubt will be in my top 5 of 2022. This month I was able to get some early release copies read (which is always so nice to catch up ...
February 2022 Books Read
February was a snowy month in Denver which kept me indoors and between the pages. I finished ten books this month and should tell you that I am all caught up on the tv series I choose to watch and instead gravitated back to the books. Most of my book picks in February were pretty good with one ...