March was a good reading month for me – I had great selections, some true winners and some quality reading time. One book in particular is an instant favorite and no doubt will be in my top 5 of 2022. This month I was able to get some early release copies read (which is always so nice to catch up on) as well as a couple of slightly older titles. One of my selections was part of my 2022 Reading Goals list, I always feel extra productive when I cross one of those off my list. I did have two surprises on the other end of the spectrum, one that has has had a lot of hype and another was a DNF and I had expected to love it. That happens sometimes!
I had one quick trip, allowing some airplane reading time as well as excellent hotel reading time. One of my favorite parts of traveling is no chores at home to do, so almost all of my free time is easy reading time!
Here is what I read in March.

Notes on an Execution – Danya Kukafka
Gritty, dark, sad, disturbing, I could go on. This was the first book that I read by Danya Kukafka and might I say that she is a very gifted writer. I have very little question if this will be a top read for me of 2022.
Ansel Packer is on death row awaiting his execution. We hear his story told by the women in his life – his mother, his wife’s twin sister, and the detective that hunts him down for years. Other parts are told by him, from an out of body 2nd person POV that takes a bit to get used to. But I believe that is the point, or part of it. Nothing about this book is comfortable. But instead you will repeatedly see the question beneath the words (and sometimes directly in them) why oh why do we obsess over these horrible people, usually men? Our culture is fascinated by serial killer pod-casts, true (and not true) crime tv series, movies and of course books – which I have devoured a few of myself. We will also get to know others in his life from everyone’s stories, also mostly women. It also exposes how messed up our justice system is at times. A dynamo book that appears small in size but you will want to read slowly and absorb every morsel.
After reading the book, I was able to watch a recording of my online Peloton moms bookclub chat with Danya and I must say, I was so impressed! She is an absolutely lovely young woman who is whip smart, funny, kind and so humble. She spent some time living in Colorado when she was growing up, so I will have to find out more about that. Additionally I learned that she now lives in the Seattle area, which is where I was when I read most of her book – visiting my son. I will 100% be reading her first novel, Girl in Snow which apparently takes pace in a fictional Colorado town. I also very much look forward to her future works.

Clap When You Land – Elizabeth Acevedo
I listened to Clap When You Land on audible and while I usually don’t love multiple narrators, it just worked here. You will meet Camino and Yahaira – two half sisters that do not know of each other’s existence. When the plane their father is on from New York to the Dominican Republic crashes, their lives unravel and we experience their loss, betrayal, grief, pain, troubles, dreams and love. It is a beautiful story of finding family where we least expect it. Overall it is a well written story that deserves more recognition.

One Step Too Far – Lisa Gardner
One Step Too Far is Gardner’s second book in the Frankie Elkin series. I had read the first, Before She Disappeared, and enjoyed it as well. While I don’t think you have to read the first before this one, it may provide a bit more insight. Frankie has her next missing person to find – Tim has been missing for several years after disappearing from his Bachelor party camping trip in the Wyoming wilderness. Frankie is truly out of her element as she joins the search party but is determined to be a part of Tim’s recovery story. I found One Step Too Far to be suspenseful and entertaining and sometimes that is all you need for a great book!

The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music – Dave Grohl
I listened to the audio of The Storyteller early in March and was very sad when Dave’s drummer and best friend Taylor Hawkins recently passed away. The book was still so fresh for me and I could really feel his pain. But even without that, the was a 4🍷 read – Dave is real, raw, honest, funny and seems like a great guy. He is up front about his challenges in life and makes no excuses when his choices were not the best and owns it. It is also very fun to read of his successes professionally and personally. I especially enjoyed learning about the lovely relationship he has with his mother. I can’t say prior to the book I was a giant Dave Grohl/Nirvana/Foo Fighter’s fan – I liked most of the music and that was pretty much that. After finishing the book I definitely will continue to follow Dave’s story. As for recent events, this man has known loss and pain and my heart breaks for him as he lives that again.

Best Wishes, Warmest Regards: The Story of Schitt’s Creek – Daniel Levy & Eugene Levy
Mostly a coffee table picture book, but still lovely. You could spend half a day reading most of the stories associated with the lovely photos or you could just flip around and skim here and there. I read all of it and enjoyed it very much. I especially enjoyed reading through the dictionary of Moira’s vocabulary.

When You Find Me – P.J. Vernon
When You Find Me was a free audible selection for me that I finished fairly quickly. Well-to-do Gray Godfrey has returned to her South Carolina hometown for Christmas with her husband Paul who she seems to be fairly indifferent about. Her near constant drinking has her waking up Christmas morning with a severe hangover and Paul is missing. She remembers very little of the night before and is of little help in determining Paul’s whereabouts. This is mostly a domestic mystery told from multiple POVs that will keep you guessing to the end.

The Younger Wife – Sally Hepworth
The Younger Wife is a domestic drama that centers around Stephen, his 2 daughters, his ex wife and his about to be new, younger wife. For me, the theme of women being lied to, gaslighted and treated like they are crazy is just tired and it doesn’t hold my attention. With that said, it is a well written domestic saga that has some twists and turns. It also has one of the best boyfriend characters I have seen in a while – Darcy is a breath of fresh air and I would love to see a followup on him at some point. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Matin’s Press for an early release copy in exchange for my honest opinion. The Younger Wife will be released on 4/5/22.

What Happened to The Bennetts – Lisa Scottaline
What Happened to the Bennetts is a fast paced, action-packed ride that was fairly entertaining from the very beginning. Jason Bennett & family are on the way home from their teen daughter’s field hockey game when a car-jacking occurs and goes horribly wrong. Things take off fast and the family is ushered into the witness protection program. Overall, while entertaining, I didn’t find it to include the substance and depth that would bring it to a more enjoyable level for me. The atmospheric details were almost too descriptive but the character development was a bit shallow for me. If you enjoy books more for the action, you will likely love this one. Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the early release copy in exchange for my honest opinion. What Happened to the Bennetts is now available.

Shadows of Pecan Hollow – Caroline Frost
This was a tougher read for me. First, there was so much hype that I had big expectations that ultimately were not met. It is a very slow pace that I trudged through. Most characters were 100% unlikeable for a variety of reasons (except Eleanor) and the mental & physical abuse and violence is down right incomprehensible. I came close to putting it down several times but managed to make it to the finish line. There were several parts that were very good but most of the book was a 2-3 rating for me. If you have heard it is like Crawdads, it is not. I do think the author is a good writer and I love taking a chance on debut novels but this one was not for me. I am no stranger to dark and “gritty” reads, but it didn’t flow and fit and was just too much and all over the place.
DNF: True Crime Story