2023 is off with a Big Bang for me in the reading department. Our home was back to the empty nest after the holidays with a good deal of reading time, especially at night. I finished 11 books this month and a few were absolutely outstanding. Go as a River was my favorite book this month and I have ...
great books
Go as a River: Book Review
In the past I haven't made time to review many individual books here other than short blurbs on my monthly round ups. It truly has been more of a time issue than desire. But with Go as a River, I am making the time. It is worthy. This book. This beautiful, beautiful book. I saw 2 or 3 posts ...
2023 Reading Goals & Hopefuls
The past few years I have posted a list of the books I plan to read as Goals and even some Hopefuls. I don't have a stealer track record with this list, I get to some but not all. This past year it was about half. Many of my book friends have gone with the theme of 23 in '23 but I just couldn't ...